

Bloody Ballad of Bette Davis

Bloody Ballad of Bette Davis

Event Information

18-18 Aug
Event type
Musicals and Opera
Company name
Piper Theatre Productions (New York, USA))
Age Rating
12+ (guidance)
Event Warnings
Scenes of violence

Bloody Ballad of Bette Davis

What if Bette Davis were a witch? In 2019, her evangelical daughter, BD Davis, claimed that her mother was filled with demonic forces that gave her power. Piper’s original musical set in 1975, tells the story of how Davis, saddled with bills for an infirm daughter, and now well past her prime, takes a job on the classic cult horror film Burnt Offerings. Following the unprofessional behaviour of pickled actor Oliver Reed, and the neurotic Karen Black, will she use her magical abilities for revenge or re-establish her power as the star of the picture?

Bette Davis | Annie Meek Montgomery
Oliver Reed | Aaron Novak
Karen Black | Connor Delves
BD Hyman | Laura Dillman Frank
Don | Eva Sheehy Moss

Written and Directed by | John P. McEneny
Composed by | Rob Parker
Executive Director | Rachael Jones

General Manager | Justine McLaughlin
Additional Support by | Dr. Rachael Jones and Laura Parker
Photography by | Vas Flutur