

Circus Baobab: Yé!

Circus Baobab: Yé!

Event Information

03-24 Aug
Event type
Dance Physical Theatre and Circus
Company name
Underbelly and Circus Baobab
Age Rating
Age 8+
Event Warnings
Scenes of violence, Strobe lighting

Circus Baobab: Yé!

An exciting collective of artists from Guinea and the diaspora bring their debut show, Yé!, to Edinburgh. Showcasing incredible acrobatics, vertiginous human pyramids, hand-to-hand combat and contortions all performed in a frenetic rhythm. 'Full of punch and blending traditional expressions of circus with modernity' (Télérama), the thirteen young artists call us together to build a world of tomorrow that will take care of nature and it's future. 'Wherever they perform, the atmosphere is electric' (Le Monde). 'A high-flying acrobatic performance with no safety net' (RFI).