

Dante and the Robot

Dante and the Robot

Event Information

25-25 Aug
Event type
Company name
Duncan Hodgkinson
Age Rating
Age 16+ (Guideline)
Event Warnings
Strong language/swearing

Dante and the Robot

Alone in his miserable bedsit in a busy, bustling metropolis, Dante’s only companion is a house robot named She-bot. His girlfriend has left for Japan to disconnect from technology and live an older, simpler way of being. Dante is lost. Trapped in an unfulfilling job he hates, he embraces escapism by writing a film. As the screenplay emerges, we join a Spanish knight on a quest alongside his French squire, battling monsters and travelling epic landscapes. Gradually, Dante’s worlds begin to merge, overlap and intertwine around him.

Alone in his miserable bedsit in a busy, bustling metropolis, Dante’s only companion is a house robot named She-bot. His girlfriend has left for Japan to disconnect from technology and live an older, simpler way of being. Dante is lost. Trapped in an unfulfilling job he hates, he embraces escapism by writing a film. As the screenplay emerges, we join a Spanish knight on a quest alongside his French squire, battling monsters and travelling epic landscapes. Gradually, Dante’s worlds begin to merge, overlap and intertwine around him.

“The work in progress of Dante and the Robot is a wonderful exploration of our future and fulfilment, clever and poetic text, skilfully performed by Duncan as he moves between worlds with pathos, sensitivity and humour.”

  • Elinor, Artistic Director; Tmesis Theatre & Physical Fest

“It was a beautiful human story that was so well written and made. I loved She-Bot and I really felt things about her that made me realise what an incredible performer Duncan is! I loved the different stories within the story and the relationship breakdown and the futuristic setting and how all those threads were tied together in a whimsical beautiful adventure story, which Duncan played perfectly.”

  • Hanna; actor, writer & clown

“Dante & the Robot really made me think about the connection between one another, and however easy it is with technology doesn't make it a true connection. I was laughing the whole way, fun dips into the knight errant and a full change in style really brought me closer to the performer, it really did serve as a distraction from his 'real' counterpart, they felt like two whole worlds away from each other, making the bleak shut-away more.”

  • Josh; actor & creator

“Thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Loved the absurdity that caught me by surprise and the naturalness to which the material was delivered.”

  • Gearoid; actor & writer