

Éowyn Emerald & Dancers

Éowyn Emerald & Dancers

Event Information

11-11 Aug
Event type
Dance Physical Theatre and Circus
Company name
Éowyn Emerald & Dancers
Age Rating
Age 5+

Éowyn Emerald & Dancers

Acclaimed Canadian Company, Éowyn Emerald & Dancers return to the Fringe with an entertaining and deeply intimate jazz dance for two performers. A physical, technically demanding and emotionally complex theatrical experience with music by Dave Brubeck, Count Basie and Ella Fitzgerald. Éowyn's poetic and musically vibrant choreography is a buoyant look at how we can meet the challenges that cross us when we have someone to hold us up. Programmed by Dance Base in collaboration with Assembly.  “pure unadulterated dance,” “Emerald’s troupe is a real Fringe find.” ****(The Scotsman) “a talent to watch” ****(Times) ****(List) *****(BroadwayBaby)

Jazz & Contemporary dance, a theatrical piece, with lots of chocolate!

"Among shows ending tomo @assemblyfest @dancebase I'd recommend the won-me-over visual invention of solo The Watching Machine (17.15) & @eowynemerald's 144 Ferroro Rocher (19.45) for its craft, charm & the palpable rapport betw. dancers Katie Armstrong & Jack Anderson..@edfringe - Donald Hutera, The Times - on X 10/08/24

"After viewing 27 performances at Fringe '24, this is our second-best choice. The thrilling dance illustrates the dynamics of the relationship between the choreographer's grandparents as they navigate life, particularly immigrating to Canada from Glasgow. The dance keeps you spellbound. The Ferrero Rocher chocolates serve as a prop that suggests real sensations in the relationship. The performers use up several kilos of those chocolates, and I hope the manufacturer supplies them - performers don't have this much money." -Pawel Danielewicz, 2024

"First time saw Éowyn Emerald 10 years ago and still remembered how much I was impressed by the beauty and harmony of the choreography. Immediately recognised the name ( 10 years a long while, er?) and was looking forward to the show. And guess what? They are still amazing! The show is different, but the joy is the same.

My friend echoed my view: tasteful, skillful, impressive, creative and remarkable. " - Olga Olga, 2024

"So good that I went back a second time. It's playful, beautiful, deeply moving and emotionally mature. Katie and Jack do a spectacular job delivering the choreography." -Yana, Fringe 2022

"A mesmerising piece beautifully choreographed with skilled dancers. Music well chosen and added to the emotive experience of the audience. A must see show!" - Lucie, Fringe 2022

"Fantastic performance which draws you in throughtout. Both dancers showed such expression, emotion and skill. Loved the music too! Thank you!" - John, Fringe 2022