

Is the WiFi Good in Hell?

Is the WiFi Good in Hell?

Event Information

25-25 Aug
Event type
Company name
Grey Castle Productions
Age Rating
Age 14+ (Guideline)
Event Warnings
Contains distressing or potentially triggering themes, Strong language/swearing, Homophobic language, references to underage grooming, reference to acts of sexual violence.

Is the WiFi Good in Hell?

2008. Margate isn't cool (yet). 12-year old Dev sits on a derelict shack, sandwiched between Margate's sea and the abandoned theme park, Dreamland. He's also recently discovered gay people exist... Is the WiFi Good in Hell? follows Dev from boyhood to adulthood. Margate to London. He's gagging for a good connection, yet with his roots firmly intertwined in his hometown's seabed – can he cope with the realities of a life he's forever put on a pedestal? Produced in association with Brixton House Theatre. Written on Soho Theatre's Writers' Lab 2021-2022.