

Is This Thing On?

Is This Thing On?

Event Information

25-25 Aug
Event type
Company name
So La Flair and MissMatch
Age Rating
Age 16+ (Guideline)
Event Warnings
Contains distressing or potentially triggering themes, Scenes of a sexual nature, Scenes of sexual violence, Scenes of violence, Strong language/swearing, References to sexual assault, alcohol addiction and homophobia.

Is This Thing On?

What's better, sad songs or sh*tty poetry? Meet flatmates Mary and Liz, one a musician and the other a poet, as they battle over integrity, ownership, the spotlight and whose turn it is to buy the freaking toilet roll. As their friendship reaches boiling point, one fateful open-mic night forces them to confront each other over whose right it is to tell someone's story. This two-hander dramedy blends stand-up, song, spoken word, rap and storytelling.