

make the Bed

make the Bed

Event Information

25-25 Aug
Event type
Company name
Ariela Sidney Nazar-Rosen
Age Rating
Age 12+ (Guideline)
Event Warnings
Contains distressing or potentially triggering themes, Strong language/swearing, References to mental health, particularly anxiety; body-checking behavior

make the Bed

Blood spots on my duvet. Stains on my pillowcase. Bite marks on my wrists. Bed bugs in my flat, lurking in my mattress. Except... there were no bed bugs. There were never any to begin with. Based on true events, make the Bed is a solo piece that explores what it's like when your thoughts consume you. When black and white thinking takes over. When you have anxiety. And what it can feel like sitting with that anxiety in real time. And how to maybe, just maybe, go towards the grey. Directed by Cecilia Thoden van Velzen.