

Sexy Circus Sideshow

Sexy Circus Sideshow

Event Information

25-25 Aug
Event type
Cabaret and Variety
Company name
Majestic International
Age Rating
Age 16+ (Guideline)
Event Warnings
Nudity, Babies are not allowed in the venue - Children under 2 years

Sexy Circus Sideshow

Looking for candyfloss? This ain't it. If you're after a thrilling, boozy freak show, you've come to the right place! Exotic acts that connect alternative circus with the dark arts of underground burlesque and cabaret. A carnival cavalcade of saucy showgirls, sexy sideshow stunts, neurotic novelty and vaudeville variety at its very best! New show nightly. Midnight. A vibrant, colourful experience showcasing some of the weirdest and most wonderful talent in Edinburgh this year. 'If this doesn't have you howling, I don't know what will' **** (LondonFestivalFringe.com). Sell-out run 2023.