

Taiwan Season: Palingenesis

Taiwan Season: Palingenesis

Event Information

25-25 Aug
Event type
Dance Physical Theatre and Circus
Company name
D_Antidote Production
Age Rating
Age 14+ (Guideline)
Event Warnings

Taiwan Season: Palingenesis

Three lithe, masked bodies emerge as if from a primordial ooze and proceed to morph their way through a series of carefully crafted chain reactions. Are they individuals, a single organism or both? Inspired by a biological concept of regeneration, hot-shot Taiwanese choreographer Chuang Po-Hsiang's timeless, absorbing dance trio is an extreme expression of intimacy, trust and transformation. Dream-like audio visuals enhance the cast's extraordinary kaleidoscopic control. Pinned to themes of rebirth and the life cycle, the net effect is intense, strangely arresting and possibly ecstatic. European premiere. Programmed by Dance Base in collaboration with Assembly.