

The Jewel of Africa

The Jewel of Africa

Event Information

31 Jul-25 Aug
Event type
Dance Physical Theatre and Circus
Company name
Ezimnyama Dance Ensemble (Zimbabwe)
Age Rating
0+ (guidance)
Event Warnings
Audience participation

The Jewel of Africa

A unique physical dance show produced to carry your imagination across the cultures of Zimbabwe and Africa through music and dance. Fast-paced African Warrior dances, traditional ceremonial dances, gumboot dance and African contemporary jives are closely accompanied by the sweet melodies of African voices. The Drum (Ingungu) plays a great role in delivering a heart-stopping display of well-choreographed dance moves while instruments like Amarimba (Xylophone), Hosho and Mbira bring everything together. Finally, African costumes brighten a production which proves that art from Zimbabwe is indeed a Jewel of Africa.

Created and Peformed by | Ezimnyama Dance Ensemble

Directed by | Phibion Ncube

Tour Manager | Thulani Javas Sibanda
Management Company | Exclusive Management