

This Is Not Romeo and Juliet

This Is Not Romeo and Juliet

Event Information

17-18 Aug
Event type
Dance Physical Theatre and Circus
Company name
Granhøj Dans
Age Rating
Age 14+ (Guideline)
Event Warnings
Nudity, Scenes of a sexual nature

This Is Not Romeo and Juliet

Powerful performance exploring love in times of war in Europe, transcending Romeo and Juliet's classic narrative, offering an enriched perspective and examining the complexity of human relationships. Featuring three loving couples in diverse stages of life, displaying the artistry of four terrific dancers and two outstanding musicians. At the heart of the performance lies the music, a dynamic blend and live execution of motifs drawn from prominent compositions associated with the story. Featuring works by Prokofiev, Mancini and Gounod, the music underlines the universal theme of profound love and the cruel intrusion of death.