

Ulysses in Babel

Ulysses in Babel

Event Information

18-18 Aug
Event type
Company name
Vivian Allvin (Brazil/Italy/USA)
Age Rating
12+ (guidance)
Event Warnings
Contains mature themes

Ulysses in Babel

How We Sound. Who We Are. What We Have to Say. This journey, inspired by the myth of Ulysses: suspended between heaven and hell, sentenced here to the Tower of Babel. Different accents and languages – what a feast for the ear and mind! And in Britain, they carry extra baggage: Class! So how can a foreigner resist the temptation to have a go? From the “upper-class twit” to the quintessentially English head-tilt, a bit of socially acceptable (and only vaguely Marxist) swearing and fun will be had by all! Come get lost in translation!

Created and Performed by | Vivian Allvin