

What songs may do...

What songs may do...

Event Information

11-11 Aug
Event type
Dance Physical Theatre and Circus
Company name
Rendez-Vous dance
Age Rating
Age 12 + (Guideline)
Event Warnings
Scenes of a sexual nature, More information

What songs may do...

What songs may do... is the first contemporary dance production by award-winning choreographer Mathieu Geffr� with his company Rendez-Vous dance. Performing to the evocative songs of Nina Simone, two dancers expose the fractured relationship of a once romantic couple as they delve into the past in an attempt to rebuild their future together. Shines a light on our deep rooted connection to memory through music and suggests the power of what songs may do. Poetic, passionate and highly virtuosic Celebrates the diversity of love with unashamed romanticism. Programmed by Dance Base in collaboration with Assembly.