

Will Shea, Won't Shea?

Will Shea, Won't Shea?

Event Information

25-25 Aug
Event type
Company name
Shea Stanley (USA/UK)
Age Rating
14+ (guidance)
Event Warnings
Strong language/swearing

Will Shea, Won't Shea?

Inspired by the will-they-won't-they relationships of our time (think Harry and Sally, Ross and Rachel), Shea orchestrates the one-woman romantic comedy of her dreams. She knows the the best way to find love is to pick any random dude, make him your best friend, and pine for each other in secret for years. That's the dream! …Right? As things begin to fall apart, Shea is forced to confront the real reason she wants to keep men at arms length: maybe it's the closest she can get to dating them without actually having to date them.

Written and Performed by | Shea Stanley

Directed by | Amy Allen